Join us

First of all, thank you for considering us! We're a small community looking for more awesome people to join us.

This website is created by people wanting to spread awareness about neurodiversity. We're everything from developers, parents, designers to journalists. To cover as many conditions as possible in a representative way, we need the perspective of many. Together, we can make a wiki that explains these conditions in a simple way for the general public.

So with that said, any help is appreciated. While people who can write, code, design and organize are in need, that is not a requirement. Feedback and personal perspective is also very appreciated! If this is something that interests you, consider joining us.

Discord logo

Our Discord server is the place where we organize and collaborate. Discord is free to use for anyone, and provides an easy to use app for computers and phones.

If you do not want to do that yet or have questions you want answered before joining, you can reach out on these channels.

The contents of this page is based on a Google doc. Feel free to suggest changes.